Friday 19 January 2018


 Today in our class..the seminar can be conducted about creating an inclusive education.. The education for all disabled child and normal child in common circumstance...  All government try for the work but it is  not reach till now...

Thursday 18 January 2018


I like because of my school staff Mr.sekar ..he is my role model to be a good teacher.... 

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Screening the book

In this topic I screen the book confession of an economic hit man.. It's a auto biography of John peckins who work in private sector of his enter life and tell how corporate economically control the people... 

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Thrivaluvar thirunal

 Today in Tamil nadu celebrate thiruvalur thirunal and Mattu pongal.. Farmer thanks to the pet which help him in harvesting 

Thursday 11 January 2018

Pongal holiday

  Today onwards our pongal holiday started.... Pongal is the  festival of farmer.. I excited to celebrate pongal....